Our Language Lab
Our Language Lab Allows You To Practice The Language You Are Learning Through Games, Activities, Videos, Quizzes, Flashcards, Audio Excerpts And More.
Our course highlights
💫 Duration 2 months
💫 Learning Advanced spelling codes
💫 Parts of speech with colours and actions
💫Using decodable readers
💫Independent writing
💫Language assessments
💫Grammar games and songs
💫Teaching Grammar through multi sensory approach
💫Demo lessons
Starting From 9th March 2021
Timings : 8:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Every Wednesday
Learning Investment: PKR 5000/- for complete course
e.certificates will be awarded after completion of course.
🌟Age group: 4 to 9
💫 Duration 2 months
💫 Fun Mathematics
💫 Jolly Phonics
💫 Urdu Phonics
💫 Creative writing Eng / Urdu
💫 Language Assessments
💫 Arts and Crafts
💫 Little Chef
💫 Stories from Quran
Starting From 5th July, 2021
Timings : 8:00 PM to 10:00 PM
Every Thursday Friday and Saturday
Learning Investment:
Monthly Fee: PKR 2000/-
Contact #: 0333 4346176, 0300 4246176,
Participants will be acknowledged with E participation award on the completion of the program.
💫 Duration 2 months
💫 Learning letter sounds
💫 5 basic skills Jolly Phonics
💫Using decodeable readers
💫Independent writing
💫Language assessments
💫Teaching alternative spellings of vowels
💫Demo lessons
Starting From 5th March 2021
Timings : 8:00 PM a to 9:00 pm
Every Monday and Thursday
Learning Investment: PKR 5000/- for complete course
E-certificates will be awarded after completion of course.
Contact: 03084432015